Northern Scotland Buddies Bucket List Golf Trip
There is no easy way to say this: Dornoch is very far away from everything. The easiest way to get there (barring a private jet) would be to fly to Inverness, Scotland, then trek another hour and a half north to Dornoch. Our itinerary took us into Aberdeen and we drove the almost four hour trek north to Dornoch (after having flown all night to get to the UK). I would suggest flying into Inverness. There is also no easy way to say “Dornoch”. I am pretty sure you have to speak Klingon in order to get the tonation correct.
The good news is that once you are there, Dornoch lacks all complexity, and there’s really only one place you want to stay: the Royal Golf Hotel, which is on the property of the golf course. The hotel is simple and somewhat quirky, but a great landing spot that provides everything you’ll need including a simple bar and restaurant — and the people could not be nicer. The other good news is that even if you get to the hotel at 10pm during the early summer months, you will likely be able to go out and play a few holes as is the members tradition… Midnight golf! Remember you are on the same plane as Juno, Alaska and the Arctic Circle is not that far away. One piece of advice would be to avoid “doubling up” on the rooms here. Each room in the hotel is different and eclectic, and frankly not big enough to put two people into (unless you are in a very intimate relationship). My room included a rounded tiled shower big enough for two replete with a faux starlit ceiling and disco light show!
Continuing on the lacking complexity theme: there is only one “must play” golf course in Dornoch and another just to the south:
- Royal Dornoch
- Castle Stewart
The locals would be offended if I did not mention the second course;“Struie Course”. But given this is a blog about bucket list golf, I suggest playing the championship course and getting out of town. If you find yourself with oodles of free time in your life play, treat Struie as a warmup.
- Loch Ness
- The Malt Whisky Trail
I would not suggest flying out of Inverness to your next destination as you will miss 2 MUST SEE destinations while you are in Scotland:
The next logical destination for golf from Dornoch is Aberdeen three to four hours to the south. Passing back through Inverness will literally take you over Loch Ness. I suggest stopping and taking some photos of you and your crew. You can photoshop Nessy into them after the fact. Everyone will ask you when you get back home if you saw Loch Ness and you can say, “YES” and whip out the proof— complete with monster.
The second must see, the Malt Whisky Trail, is an unassuming side road on the way from Inverness to Aberdeen. All of the famous (and not famous) scotch whisky makers are on this trail and they do tastings. Be sure to confirm the distillers on the trail are open the day you make your trek. as they will all be closed certain days. Stop and taste at Glenfiddich, The Glenlivet, Johnny Walker and more. Not to be missed.
Best Buddies Golf Trip Rankings
Bucket list rank (from 1to 5 buckets): 5
Location: 10
Spectacle/ visual: 10
History: 10
New/ancient: amcient
Playability : 8 very hard
Memorability : 9
Buddy-a-bility : 7
Service/etc: 5
Value: 4 not why u are here
Shopping: 5 adequate. Buy a shirt for sure
Warm up facilities/Range: 6
Food & Drink: 4